Square Foot Gardening
Have students investigate area and perimeter by creating a garden plot using 12×12 inch squares. This activity is also great for garden planning.
View LessonSoil Sort
Young students become soil surgeons, dissecting soil and sorting its components and begin to discover its unique properties.
View LessonIt All Begins With Soil
This lesson is intended for upper elementary, and middle school students. There is an additional lesson for younger students titled Soil Sort. Students examine soil to identify its components and ways that its structure affects plant growth.
View LessonAcid to Alkaline
Students explore pH with an emphasis on soil pH. This activity uses soils and vinegar solutions.
View LessonPlan It, Map It
Using the information provided, students work with their teacher and resources available to plan their garden and employ math skills to do so.
View LessonInch by Inch, Row by Row
Students plan and map garden beds, using information about growth requirements for each plant.
View LessonMaking Milk
In this lesson, students will learn about the milking process, composition of milk and how the dairy product goes from the animal to the table.
View LessonBeyond Food
The agriculture industry is responsible for producing a variety of products. By-products are a secondary product created when an initial product is produced. Virtually every part of an animal or plant is put to good use. This lesson discovers the differences between products and by-products and showcases how relevant agriculture is in daily life.
View LessonCitrus Math Lesson
Economists assemble a wide array of statistical information and analyses of that data about an agriculture industry, citrus. Students will put their math minds to work by solving real-world citrus problems and depicting real-world data.
View LessonThe Chicken and the Egg
Students will become familiar with the important role Florida’s broiler production and broiler companies play. The students will continue to expand their knowledge by utilizing their math skills to calculate the space needed to adequately raise broiler birds and read graphs pertinent to the poultry industry.
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