Florida Ag Tag

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Salad Rap – Part 2


Students create a rap song or chant and dance containing and promoting the components of their favorite salad as well as use chant as a device to remember that plants do not eat and only plants produce food.


Students will:

  1. Learn a rap song about rain as a device to introduce the topic and teach accompanying motions.
  2. Create a rap song describing the vegetables in a salad (that may be growing in the school garden.)
  3. Create a dance or motions to accompany the rap song.
  4. Identify servings and categories of the vegetables within the rap song.
  5. Include the differences between meeting their nutritional needs in the song versus what they may want to have as a treat.


  • Introduction: 15 minutes
  • Activity One: One hour
  • Activity Two: One hour
  • Activity Three: One hour
  • Practice: 10 minutes per day over several days
  • Performance time: Two minutes

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