Orange Juice
Learn the process of making orange juice and enjoy a cup of freshly squeezed O.J.
View LessonHoney Treats
Learn about the nutritional value of honey and its role in the sports industry while making an energy filled snack.
View LessonBee Bingo
Through a fun Bee Bingo game, students will learn some of the important vocabulary that is included in many pollinator lessons while sharpening their listening skills and their ability to follow instructions.
View LessonBeefo Bingo
Beefo Bingo involves students in a fun and exciting game while learning about by-products of the beef industry.
View LessonWhat We Eat – Part 1
Students will sort fruits and vegetables by examining plants – grown in the school garden, purchased in the market, or featured in models or pictures – into the parts of the plant eaten as food, identify a serving size, and locate where on MyPlate the food belongs.
View LessonMy Garden, MyPlate
Students will become familiar with the foods they eat and healthy eating habits while learning about the MyPlate food categories.
View LessonSalad Rap – Part 1
Students create a rap song/chant and dance promoting the components of their favorite salad, and use chant as a device to remember that plants do not eat and only plants produce food.
View LessonVegetable Relay
Students will match vegetable seeds with the vegetable and learn a basic food fact about each then participate in a relay.
View LessonYo Seeds, Wake Up!
The way we plant seeds is very important. If seeds are planted too deeply, the young plants can use up their food resources before they ever reach light and begin to make their own food. If planted in soil that’s too dry, seeds may not obtain the necessary moisture to germinate. Soaking-wet soil, on the other hand, may prevent seeds from getting oxygen, or may cause them to rot.
View LessonWhat Are We Eating?
A significant reason to engage in gardening in schools is to teach students, and allow them to discover for themselves, how plants grow and what part of the plant we eat. That is the purpose of this activity.
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