Gardening | Grades Kindergarten-2 | Math, Language Arts, Health, Physical Education

Vegetable Relay

Students will match vegetable seeds with the vegetable and learn a basic food fact about each then participate in a relay.

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Gardening | Grades Kindergarten-4 | Math, Science, Language Arts

Yo Seeds, Wake Up!

The way we plant seeds is very important. If seeds are planted too deeply, the young plants can use up their food resources before they ever reach light and begin to make their own food. If planted in soil that’s too dry, seeds may not obtain the necessary moisture to germinate. Soaking-wet soil, on the other hand, may prevent seeds from getting oxygen, or may cause them to rot.

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Gardening | Grades Kindergarten-3 | Math, Science, Language Arts

What Are We Eating?

A significant reason to engage in gardening in schools is to teach students, and allow them to discover for themselves, how plants grow and what part of the plant we eat. That is the purpose of this activity.

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Gardening | Grades Kindergarten-4 | Math, Science, Language Arts

Lettuce Be Different

Students compare their own similarities and differences. They then grow and compare several varieties of lettuce plants to explore variations within the same type of plant.

Grouping things with similar characteristics helps us make sense of our world.

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Gardening | Grades Kindergarten-8 | Math, Science, Language Arts

The Roots of Food

This activity introduces what influences students’ own food choices and those of people in different cultures.

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Gardening | Grades 1-4 | Language Arts

The Million Dollar Can o’ Soup or Salsa

Students participate in creating a food product, identify and explain the steps in production, and describe the influence of those steps in the cost of the item.

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