Curriculum Connections

Gardening | Grades 3-5 | Language Arts, Social Studies, Physical Education, Science

Salad Rap – Part 2

Students create a rap song or chant and dance containing and promoting the components of their favorite salad as well as use chant as a device to remember that plants do not eat and only plants produce food.

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Gardening | Grades 6-12 | Math, Science, Language Arts, Health, Physical Education

Energy In/Energy Out

Students will evaluate their meal selections, determine the caloric content and evaluate eating and exercise options to maintain a healthy weight.

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Gardening | Grades 6-12 | Health, Physical Education, Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies

The Nutrient Database

USDA’s “Nutrient Database” will be the focus of research to identify which foods contain necessary nutrients and which foods grown in the garden are most nutrient dense or will meet specific nutritional needs.

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Gardening | Grades 5-12 | Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Health

In Search of Essential Nutrients

Students explore the meaning of essential nutrients, using periodic tables to compare the elements that are essential to people and plants. Students make predictions as to where in the environment plants obtain each of their essential elements.

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Nutrition | Grades 6-12 | Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Health

Spice It Up

This lesson is a sensory exploration of the herbs and spices that create food scents and flavors with a mystery twist- geographic and cultural examination. Herb growing in the garden will be encouraged. Students will be asked to explore antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that herbs provide.

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Gardening | Grades 6-12 | Science, Language Arts

Survival Florida

Using a WebQuest, students will research foods grown in Florida and nutritional requirements of different age groups to determine if survival consuming only foods from Florida is possible.

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